Student Solution


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1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Promotional Marketing Shift

Promotional Marketing Shift

Q The exciting shift in promotional marketing is the movement from companies controlling their message to customer participation. With the advent of social media and other engagement tools, customers and employees can affect the business more than ever. Instead of just pushing advertising, the current trend is customer engagement. DQ1: Post and summarize an article or video (from your own research) about customer engagement, digital marketing, or other current trend. Please include in the summary how you could apply this tool or method to your marketing plan.

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I have identified an article that clearly states that Apple Inc. is successful in customer engagement through its innovative product. This article examines the fact that most of the consumers of Apple enjoys the most emotional commitment while buying any kind of Apple product (Matyszczyk, 2019). Although, the products of Apple Inc. is expensive, still, most of the consumers prefer to buy products from this particular company only because of quality of the product. This article also argues that Apple Inc. waits for its competitor companies to make faults while making their product, therefore, Apple can learn from those mistakes and make their product perfect and useful.